Sunday, April 17, 2011


Last year, I fell sick. I was down with fever and for five days in bed without knowing what was happening around me. My husband took care of the children, home, everything. I am not used to it but was not in a position to do much. Got admitted in the hospital as it was diagnosed as dengue.

While, I was in the hospital battling the up and down of the blood platelets, my mom had taken my children. I was not able to see my children but I knew they were in safe hands and I was thankful for that.

After four days when I returned home, I was very weak and tired and before I could think of anything, my friends took over and provided me with breakfast, lunch and dinner for one full week and would have continued if I had not stopped them.

At the time I realised that I like to contibute to other's lives by offering support, but it was so difficult to accept when others want to do the same. Maybe, somewhere I was being selfish by not allowing others to feel the same joy I feel when I do things for others.

I have admitted to myself that as I love to give others, I would also like to be supported by others and accept it graciously.

'No man can be happy without a friend,
nor be sure of his friend till he is unhappy'
Thomas Fuller,M.D.

1 comment:

  1. In this world where someone expects something in return, I see you as an unique human being who does not like to trouble others.
