Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Don't dump garbage on me..

Today morning, I was irritated with something(not sure what) and lost my cool. I started picking on Varun for no reason at all. He kept looking at me and at one point of time said,' Don't dump your garbage on me'. It took me by surprise and at the same time made me aware of what I was doing.
And I stopped what I was doing .. I apologised and he smiled.
It comes so naturally at times to us to dump our stuff on others without taking responsibility for our feelings and finding a way to deal with it.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Who is Abnormal..

Teacher told the parent in front of the child that the five year old is 'Abnormal'. There is something wrong with him. It really depresses me. Is the child abnormal because people around him cannot understand him. Who is Abnormal? I wonder if we are all normal?
Being normal is to complain, criticize, put down, do anything to prove I am right ? We as adults are doing all of this and we call a child who is trying to cope with all the criticism and the messages he is getting around him by creating a safe world for himself 'Abnormal'. The child just does not feel the need to be part of this harsh world around him.
Somewhere, are we losing sensitivity towards accepting differences, are we showing impatience when it is not conforming to our standards and conveniences?
Do we have any right to call a child 'Abnormal'? We need to do a reality check on ourselves before judging or evaluating anyone especially a child.