Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Today my learning,' It feels nice to be acknowledged for the work we do'. I work with the belief that I do because I enjoy doing something.  I tell myself that till the people close to me find 'value' in what I do, it does not really matter if others acknowledge or not. When I work with this belief it helps me to move on without analysing things too much and yes sometimes it makes me uncomfortable to hear people say nice things about me.
Today was bit of a surprise for me. In the morning I met up with a friend who thought I could help her out with something she was working on. She also specifically mentioned about how my session was helping her. It was a  small thing but I felt thrilled that what I had shared had made sense to someone.
I came back home and had a conversation with a person with whom I have been working for a long time. I had never really thought that my work had been observed in so much detail. It came as a surprise to me to hear all that was said about me. It made me feel 'valued'.
To add to all this, one of my friends who stays in another part of the world mentioned how her friend had liked the article which I had written (the first one ) that she had taken a print out and stuck it on her wall. I realised that even if one person found value in what I did and what I thought, it made sense to go on doing what I am doing.
Did all this affect my self esteem? No, it did not but it definitely helped to understand that it was allright to feel happy when someone talks nice about you, to accept it with humility. Also that we all have a basic need to be acknowledged though we may deny it based on certain beliefs we carry with us.
There is an interesting tale written by Claude Steiner . Hopefully we can do the same and give fuzzies to everyone around us freely without any conditions attached and accept that we all need fuzzies to grow into warm human beings.

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