Thursday, May 3, 2012


Today from morning was filled with self doubts. Having taken the first step forward now thoughts coming to my mind have not been that encouraging.
Will I be able to do what I want to do?
What will happen if I am not able to sustain my energy levels?
It should not become a financial burden on my family
Will I be able to manage my time for my family and my activities
How will people react to my venture? will it be negative/positive ?
Wills and what would happen if.... All these thoughts and more.. it was bogging me down .. bringing tears in my eyes for no reason at all. It was not helping me at all.
Decided to stop and get in touch with what was happening to me. When I closed my eyes and observed : the stomach churning, heart beating fast, slight headache, it felt as if I was carrying a huge load. This awareness helped me to understand what these thoughts were doing to me. It also made me introspect as to where was I when I was thinking these thoughts..definitely not in the present.
What is the present..the Now..
I am getting an opportunity to do what I want to do.. I have a place.. the will ..the energy and enthusiasm.. support of my husband and family.. What more do I need?
I can change the way I think..change my thoughts ..
I am capable, I am following my dreams.. I am constantly working on it, I am enjoying this process.
I am feeling the tightness in my stomach disappear, feeling relieved and feeling lighter.
My thoughts right now : I will cross the bridge when I come to it.
"I'm no longer afraid of Storms as I am learning to sail my own ship" - Louisa May Alcott

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