I met a child who is studying for IIT.He mentioned that he was just waiting for it to be all over.. at times he felt he could not breathe. Is he having fun? If I want something or I have a goal should I not enjoy and have fun while going through that process of reaching there.
I keep hearing Varun's dad saying,'It is fun to do maths'. Hmmm.. Maths and fun! When I look back on my childhood I cannot think of a day after 5th standard where I would have thought maths to be fun :-))
What would be fun for me? When I don't feel any kind of pressure on me to prove 'I know'. When the pressure on getting it right is not there. When I can explore different ways of doing it, when I can relate it to different things, when I am not told that,'it is so simple or it is difficult, you have to think'. When I am not told that I am not good at maths, maybe good in drawing, so its okay.
Yes, these would be some of the criteria for me to have fun while doing maths.
Right now, I am working on making maths fun for me. I enjoy working with my son as I just explore without the pressure of having to perform, 'Well'.
I wonder if children today really are having fun going through the education system the way it is and are we as adults and parents distorting the definition of fun for them by telling them that if the learn the correct way they will have fun. Hmmmmmm....
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